9 Cute Styles For Awkward Length Natural Hair


Watching your hair grow after your big chop can be very exciting. It can feel like magic as you get to know your new texture(s) and find out what your natural hair likes. You might love your TWA, or be counting down the days till waist length. Either way, everyone hits that growth benchmark known as The Awkward Phase eventually. Awkward length natural hair can be difficult to style. It might be tempting to hide it away under wigs and protective styles until the phase passes, but here are a few styles we think could work instead. 

1. Bantu Knots

Bantu Knotted Natural Hair


Bantu Knots are a super cute and super easy style for awkward length naturalistas looking to switch up their look. 

2. High Puff 

High Puff on Natural Hair


The high puff is a well known go to style. And it’s almost made for awkward length natural hair. For hair that’s too short to pull into a ponytail, the high puff gives the illusion of a large full high ponytail. 

3. Two Strand Twists

Two Strand Twists on Natural Hair


Much like a few other styles on this list, two strand twists are cute no matter what length you’re rocking. Install this super easy super cute hairstyle when you need something that will last through the week. 

4. Bantu Knot Out

Bantu Knot Out on Natural Hair


With a bantu knot out, you will get a voluminous and glamorous look for any occasion. And the best part about it is it’s a two in one style. Where the knots as they are, then take them down for big juicy curls.

5. High Puff w/ Bangs

High Puff with Bangs on Natural Hair


Here’s a fun twist on a natural hair staple, and a great way to add variation to your go to high puff.

6. Sleek Bun

Sleek Bun on Natural Hair


Sometimes you just need to get all your hair pulled back and out of the way. That’s when a sleek bun is the perfect choice. Just grab your favorite gel and brush and go to work. 

7. Flat Twisted Updo

Flat Twisted Updo on Natural Hair


This is an elegant style for when you want something a little more elevated. With a flat twisted updo like this, you could stretch this style for a week or two. Just make sure to keep your scalp and hair moisturized.

8. Finger Coils

Finger Coils on Natural Hair


Though a bit tedious to install, finger coils are pretty simple. All you need is wet hair, a moisturizer, and a setting moose or gel. Make it your own by experimenting with different coil sizes. Just keep in mind the larger the coil the more likely you’ll experience frizz. 

9. Own It With A ‘Fro! 

Afro Natural Hair


At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that your natural hair is beautiful no matter the length. The Awkward length phase is only as bad as you make it. Embrace it every now and then with an afro. 

How do you deal with your awkward length natural hair? Share in the comments.  

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