The Dos And Dont's Of Caring For Fine Natural Hair
So you’ve been getting to know your hair. You’ve done your research, ran the tests, and you’ve found out that you have fine natural hair. Great! But now you have some questions -- how does fine hair differ from thick hair? Is my current curly hair routine maximizing my hair’s potential? Now that I have this new information, what are the dos and dont's of caring for fine natural hair? We’ve got you covered. Here are a few tips and tricks to get you on the right track.
Do Handle with Care
Look, we know caring for any kind of natural hair can be frustrating and time consuming. When your arms are tired and your patience is running thin, It can be so tempting to rake through a detangling session. Resist this urge! Fine natural hair tends to be more prone to damage, so what would cause a bit of damage for thick strands could do double the damage on finer strands. Being too rough could lead to breakage, split ends, and more. Make a concerted effort to be extra gentle with your hair when washing, detagangling, styling, etc. Your fine strands will thank you.
Don’t Overload Your Strands
Fine hair gets overloaded and weighed down quite quickly. For that reason, you should always mind the amount of product you’re using on your hair. You don’t want to go so light that your hair isn’t properly coated and nourished, but you also don’t want to go so heavy that it’s dragging your strands down and causing build up, which can in turn lead to dryness and breakage. It’s a delicate dance, but you can manage it! When in doubt, if the bottle says use a dime sized amount, give or take a little, that might be all you need.
Do Use Protein
When you have fine strands, protein is your friend. Fine natural hair is delicate and prone to breakage if not properly fortified. That’s where protein treatments come in. They coat the hair and add protection where the cuticles may be lacking. This results in stronger, shinier, and healthier looking hair. You can read all about protein treatments, how they work, what ingredients to look for, and what protein treatment would work best for you here!
Don’t Skip The Trim
We’ve mentioned a few times how delicate fine natural hair is. It takes an extra bit of TLC to keep it in tip top shape, and that includes regular trims. Most stylists recommend a trim every 6 to 8 weeks, but everyone’s different. Whatever frequency you choose to trim, just be consistent and pay close attention to your ends in between trims. When your ends are healthy, it makes a world of difference in the overall appearance of your hair. (Not to mention it promotes length retention!)
Do Use A Clarifying Shampoo
Since it’s easier to bump into product build up with fine natural hair, it’s important to use a clarifying shampoo regularly. Unlike a regular shampoo, clarifying shampoos cut through stubborn dirt and build up, and washes it all away, leaving your hair/scalp squeaky clean and refreshed. If you’re looking for a clarifying shampoo that will clean your hair without leaving it feeling stripped and dry, we highly recommend the Detox Clarifying & Detoxifying Shampoo. With ingredients like Apple Cider Vinegar and Ginger, Detox resets your hair while preserving its moisture and keeping your hair’s pH balanced.
Don’t Forget To Love Your Fine Natural Hair
At the end of the day, the whole point of going natural is to love your hair the way it grows out of your head. This is no exception. It’s really easy to compare ourselves to other naturals and feel discouraged. No matter what, your natural hair is beautiful. Your natural hair is yours. It’s unique to you. Make every detangling session, every wash day, every second spent styling your hair a ritual, one where the goal is to fall in love with your hair all over again. And again. And again.

What are some things you do to care for your fine natural hair? Share any tips and tricks you’ve picked up in the comments.
These are great tips! I would add to Pre-poo (aka pre-detangle) to get out any shed hair prior to shampooing because these tangle horribly in fine hair! Also tangles seem to happen closer to root for fine hair so make sure you detangle all the way to the root 😉
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